We are beautiful together.
OUR MISSION: Multiplying passionate pursuers of Jesus Christ, who engage the world with His love.
God is the Creator of life and all beauty. Yet many of us do not think of creativity, life, or beauty when we think of church.
We'd like to change that.
In the beginning, God spoke the world into existence; the heavens and the earth, the sun, the moon and stars, the land, the sea, and every living thing. The world was good and beautiful. Humanity was made in God's image to be His representative on earth, but we rebelled and marred the image of God in us. When man sinned, the beautiful picture was shattered. Thankfully, the story does not end there. We are given good news! Through the redemptive work of Jesus Christ, God is putting those pieces back together to form an even more beautiful picture. From the shattered pieces, He is assembling a great mosaic.
As a church, we are also made up of unique and imperfect individuals with complementary strengths and weaknesses. We are broken in many different ways. However, as we unite as one body we complement each other and are strengthened by our multi-faceted diversity.
We become… beautiful together.